
Tours & Classes

Class Schedule 2025

Look for updates in the future

April 19: Zooming In: Exploring the Flowers and Foliage of the Rhododendron

 Taught by June Davis and Ellen Alexander

·      Discover structure, function, color, scent, and beauty in Meerkerk's signature blossoms and leaves.  Timed for the beginning of peak bloom season, the workshop begins with a walk through the gardens to collect specimens.

June 21: Pruning Rhododendrons 101

 Taught by June Davis

·      Come learn to best prune your Rhododendron for their health, structure and beauty. This is a hands-on class so be prepared to be outdoors.

Sept 20: The Trees of Meerkerk: Walk-n-Talk

Taught by Barb Faville

·      Do you want to know what’s interesting in the gardens when the rhododendrons are not in bloom? Come walk the gardens and learn about Meerkerk’s collection of specimen trees. We’ll discuss their family relationships, unique features, and which trees were food for dinosaurs.

October 18: Why Garden Travel?

Taught by Barb Faville

·       Come be captivated and learn about the fun and benefits of visiting gardens around the world. Garden travel is a great way to enjoy world-renowned gardens, see plants in their native lands, and explore new countries or previously visited countries in a different way.

 Nov 22: Mushroom Foraging (Date subject to change due to mushroom season)

Taught by Kyle

·      Wander the Meerkerk forest and see our wonderful fungi!


Group Tours 

Adult group tours are available for garden clubs, senior centers, and other organizations all year round.  Tours are led by trained docents and are tailored to the Garden’s seasonal features, the group’s special interests, and the physical requirements of the group. The length of the tour is 1.5 to 2 hours.  Cost is $15 per person, with a minimum fee of $100.  Comfortable covered walking shoes and sun or rain protection are advised, depending on the time of year.  Please complete the attached form at least two weeks before your intended visit so we can plan and accommodate your needs.  We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible with a call or an email. 

If you have questions, email